Youth Ministry

The Zion Church Youth Ministry, OffScript exists to help middle and high school students experience God, engage in community, be equipped for ministry, and empower them to serve.

We have services on each physical campus.

  • Experience - A youth-centered gathering where students can experience God.
  • Engage - Opportunities for youth to grow in community in the areas of spiritual, social, and emotional development.
  • Equip - Training & development opportunities for youth to discover their gifts for impact in ministry and the marketplace.
  • Empower - A platform that will unleash youth to lead and serve to advance the kingdom.

Frequently Asked Questions

Who can participate/age ranges, etc?

Zion Church Youth Ministry exists to serve middle school and high school-aged youth under the age of 18 years old.

How can my child join/register?
Is my child safe attending youth ministry events? (speak to background checks, any safeguards in the check-in/checkout process)

Yes! All volunteers must undergo an intense screening process to ensure the character and conduct of each individual serving over the age of 18 years and older is of good moral standing. All volunteers must be fingerprinted and must complete a standard background check to safeguard the interests of the children at any physical Zion Church campus, online, and contracted off-site locations.

How can my child participate from home? (resources, youtube links, etc)

Your child may watch previously recorded episodes of Zion Church Youth on our YouTube channel by following this link:

Are their opportunities for small groups for teens/students?

Yes. All students are encouraged to engage in the community through youth small groups. Once your child is registered with your family account via My Zion 2.0, they are assigned to their age and gender-specific small group and adult leader. For more information, please contact

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